Sunday, December 6, 2009

Boys are selfish by nature..

This is specially dedicated to my lovely baby Hadzah:
I cried after reading ur recent blog. U know gerl, after reading that blog of reeli reminds me of watever happens between me and my ex boyfriend. After we broke up the same situation happened. Juz lik u his parents n cuzzins, relatives, siblings were bugging me with a lot of "why" questions and all i juz replied " why dun you ask him urself and find it out from his own mouth instead of hearing it from me which will only turn out to be something that people thing might not be true". Just like u i confided in being frens with other boys..lots of them..but wat i noe is i could never lie to myself that deep down inside i wish it doesn't happen. Juz like u i face the world at the same time shielding my sorrows with fake smile. People don't know how I actually felt. It hurts alot and i reeli now how u felt right now..its even worse then being stabbed by a knife. Its sumtink that no medicine in this world could cure and the only antidote is the person who actually hurt u. But these people are known as boys..n boys are selfish by nature. When they create a problem..we girls have to solve it..When they create a mess..we girls have to clean it up..Same goes for your break up..Y dun ppl ask him?? y ask u? true?! Y do u end up the one who have to answer evry lil question abt him and not him??Y do u have to cry and not him?? When break up happened we girls do still accept their families juz like our own, still manage to smile in front of them even after being treated lik shit and still manage to answer their unecessary smses or random msges. Y?? because we are not selfish..we remember the good times..their families who used to shelter us in when we need a space..who treated us juz like their own. We remember evry little things..from their wat they dislikes..when they were sick..their lovely siblings..But do guys see things that way?? No! to them over means over.."kau pompan sundal g jahanam la dgn kau" but they dun realise that they did not only hurt u but everyone that has been a part of their life..from his parents to urs..frm his siblings to urs..even frens n other ppl..At being 24 right now..i've learn soo much things abt life..I lied the last time too juz to make evryone happy, juz to cover evry lil mistakes that HE did till i almost lost my life! that's when i realise i cnt take this anymore and on my own 2 tiny feet i moved on all by myself. If you noticed I worked hard..reeli hard so that i dun need his fact i dun need anything frm him..I became a strong and independent woman. Even if shit were to happen (choy!) the next time round..i make sure i'll the "boy" this time.. the one who is selfish n the one who doesnt cry. Coz i have a great and successful life..Juz live ur life my dearest hadzah..have a good career..n be successful in the future. Even if you are no longer with the one u used to love with all your heart..just remember we love u more then he does and we will always be there for you till ur last breath. Insya allah..I'll always be praying for your well beings. Tk care baby girl..

Lots of love,

PS:To my 2 lovely sisters, rafidah and nadiah..dun ask Kakak Hadzah anymore k..go ask Abg Faizal and listen to his side of the story..If he's a good brother he will explain it to you nicely..if he scold the both of you..means he's juz another typical guy and in the fututre find a good boyfriend n a future husband wich actually has a genuine heart and not one that only pumps blood and oxygen je.. and also a brain wich can think logically rather then think " im a guy and i cn get any gerls i want"..Right now i want the both of you to study hard and earn lots of money n help your parents and ppl around you. Boys are juz temporary companionship..its never a lifetime.. even a married men cheat on their wives. So there...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Answers to some unanswered questions..

To my Baby Girl..
Life is never fair..The reason y it is like dat is so that the world could go round and complete its daily life cycles. Boys will be boys no matter wat..Juz play the same game. If he cheats on u, tell urself "he's not the one for me" n move on. Coz i truly bliv, no point crying over a man. He won't even bother. My past relationship was a tough one..It almost cost my own life. All for the love of a BOY. Sometimes u tot its ok in the name of love..I was only 17 dat time..Love to me was evrytink. Even wen my ex beats me up to death, i was juz dumb enuff to run back to him tinking dat "he's angry". But after the last beating n i end up in ICU..I realized dat i deserve much more. After i recovered, i pull myself back up..stand on my 2 little feet and walk alone..It wasnt easy though but i keep telling myself.. THIS IS MY LIFE..i am not gona give up..So baby girl.. now at the age of 24..I am independent..with great career and earning big bucks evry mth..Im not trying to be arrogant.. but juz proud coz the gal who almost died and was treated lik trash is now sucessful and trust me..all and i mean ALL of my ex bf couldnt not believe im still around n putting on a big smile on my face. Some even cried lik a baby wen they saw me.. So.. who's the loser now? me or him??! Hahahaha!!!!

Lotsa love,
Cheryl Afika

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sekontol Vs Sekotek

I've been laughing lik a mad hyena for the past 2 days tanks to my super wacky n crazy boyfriend who's always full of craps n shits!! Hahahahaha!!! Went to Bugis juz now to survey some of my stuff for a while..Den went to mkn at Long John Silvers coz its been along time since i ate der.. U noe all these Hari Raya dishes..Lontong la.. Lemak Lodeh la..Sambal Goreng..I swear i cnt see another plate of any malay dish..Makes me wana puke! After finding wat i wanted at Bugis, we head to Tampines to find Boyfie's stuff plak. Well, on the way to Tampines..We were asking each other Malay questions lik translating a certain English word to Malay..So after asking each other bla bla, Boyfie ask me " B.. wat is english?" Den i say la "U guess, what is laba-laba in english?" Soooo innocent and with his cute, thinking face he said....."BEE" and i said no try again..n the next answer was even cuter..."BUTTERFLY" and he cud even ask me.."B..laba-laba butterfly kan??" Hahahaha!! den i told him the answer la which is spider. Den he asked me again " Den butterfly ape b?" I said "Kupu-kupu" And the funny part was..when he replied.."Oh Pupu-pupu..." Hahahaha!! I swear at that moment i wana faint! Gosh! Well, I know my boyfriend is cute..and I love him even tho he's such a BIMBO..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It feel juz lik Valentine's Day..

Today was absolutely Fun!! Had a great time with my beloved boyfriend. Met him at around 4pm this afternoon(Actually 3pm tapi kalo Cheryl..3pm means 4..Hahaha!! Paham2 jelah..kata ROCKSTAR).Neway..after meeting him t Bedok, we went to survey for my darling's XBOX360. Went around for quite sumtime wit the scorching sun above our goodness! wat a challenge especially during these fasting season. Finally bought him one..n we walk home to Boyfie's plc to send it first coz only god knows how fucking heavy that console is..Then we went to the Arcade to play games..But before that we went to Buka at PASTAMANIA. Became soooo BABI-fied coz we ate alot! Then proceed to buy his XBOX360 and send the super heavy thingy home to his plc. Once we reach, his 2 lovely sister was like" Abg Hadi wats dat??! And before I could even open my mouth one of them say "It's XBOX!!!" The funny part was we went out of the house juz in time his dad came out of his room to ask " What's that in the plastic?!" Sooo both me n boyfie went "Oh shit!!" and rushed out of the house.. But unfortunately technology have been too advance that Boyfie received a rather funny SMS frm his says "Hadi ape tu kat dlm Plastic?!" Then Boyfie said "XBOX la Pa..." N his dad was soo weird to ask a bonus question.."Mana dapat tu XBOX??!" And Boyfie said "Fika belikn la Pa..." I was like laughing my guts out..MANA DAPAT EH?? hehehehe!! ya.. ketawa2 last2 aku plak yg kena nag ngan Mr Nasir. "Ckp ngan Fika jgn bazir2 duit bla..bla..." And I juz roll my eyes..n said to boyfie" B.. ur dad jealous eh? Ntah2 ti dier off day dier yg main tu XBOX...eksyen plak nag2.." hahahaha! I won't be surprised..Hehehe!! ?Yeah cnt wait to mit Boyfie again tomoro to play it..Wuhooo!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

New baju, Kuih, and Gosh! Cash....

Went to buka with Boyfie juz now.. So cute boyfie teach me how to baca doa makan. Hahaha! How pathetic can I be?(Maklumla Chinese Muslim mah..) But I noe wat is Bismillah okie! So sweet of boyfie..Den we head to geylang to look for some stuff n boyfie as usual wit his monthly cravings..(hehe..Aku yg PMS dier yg craving plak??) nak mkn Ayam Percik. After dat boyfie bought me perfume hehe as anniversary present. Tk sangka plak.. coz si ditu mmg tak romantic langsung..Hahahaha!! but it was nice of him. Oh ya! Before that i went to M.A.C to get some makeup stuff but cheryl being fickle minded as usual kept contemplating about buying those. The funny thing was when boyfie said "B..since when u wear makeup?" and I was lik "Hello?? cnt u c colours on my face??" Then he mention to me which make me laugh even harder. To him makeup meant thick lik wayang kind..u noe the kind where minah always use? That's wat he meant by makeup..Hahahaha!!! But wat he said is true la.. I dun really put on that much juz those earth tones dats y i tink.. He's soo cute to even mention dat I dun need it coz im already sweeet...mestila..ckp mcm tu, dah dpt XBOX 360. Hahaha!! Will be picking it up this thursday! Weeeeeeee!!!....klah gtg..bye people!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Some people are born naturally BASTARDS

I just pity some people out there who talk sooo much but u couldnt see any outcome from it. When it comes to blaming others..they can be very professional. Advising frens about relationships like professional counsellors. Telling friends to take care and educate their girlfriends when the girls misbehave. And most importantly their friends are all carefully "hand-picked". Not everyone can be their friend. Those who are friends are those that actually bow to them like Kings and Queens and just let them do watever they want even though it hurts. But those who are not their friends are also classified as either "The Unknown", "Ur juz his girlfriend", " You are new" or "you just entered into his life and you don't know us yet" They are the kind of people who couldn't except facts, views, advise or even be provoked. Oh ya! and they don't entertain feedbacks. But its actually alright and perfectly fine for them to treat you lik dirt..shit..and disrespect you but YOU have to apologise after that to them and be left lost and confused asking yourself "hw come im the one who hv to apologise instead of them" But this is normal..For those who are their friends its so called their SOP also known as Standard Operational Procedures. If you break the will be screwed. Anyway, all I can say is, I'm glad that I fall under the category of "ur juz his girlfriend". No rules and regulations to follow, no SOP watsoever. You are free to voice out your views and being attend to tentatively with patience and sincerity. People like us are always labelled as the "bad ones" Its always like that in reality. The ones with tattoos ended up nicer n have respect for others unlike those without. The ones who are religious ended up being a terrorist. Well just be prepared to face the reality world. It's damn cruel. Right now you are just in your safety zone that's why you felt as though you have the authority to do anything.. All the best okie?! I've survived as well as my boyfriend. Good luck to your life. Don't say I didn't warn you. You may say whatever you want..Because in the end I am surviving very very well and infact I cn stand on my own two feet without any speacial or u might call it "exclusively hand -picked" friends or assistance from anyone. I am proud of myself that I'm not like them.. maybe I should classify these people as "FRAUD" and "FAKE". Hmm..What a life..

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Some guys are juz not man enuff..

Life is sooo unfair.. previous Drunk photos have been deleted coz some guy out there(let's not mention names)is afraid of his own girlfriend (takut gf tau dier minum). I did this not because of him but because of my boyfriend whom I reeli love. I reeli love my boyfriend n i'm doing it for him. Not for that useless guy who takut girlfriend. And im always the one who gets the blame. Being labelled as the bad one. Takpe...I believe in Karma and retribution. One day..I hope it gave you a harder impact then wat I received.All the best to your already fucked up relationship la..If u tink im a bad person (coz u told my bf to educate me) den be it ok..Maybe u should spend some time in front of the mirror and picture urself..Aku menyesal selama ni cover kn pantat kau..NO more from today onwards.. evrytink will be spilled out...Buat baik ngan kau.. pompan kau kurangajar dgn aku..buat pe nak baik dgn kau. You dun even fucking apologise to me for what your most beloved gerls said. She told me to stay out of ur friendship with her, u, and Hadi. I am doing wat she told me.. So please.. STAY OUT of my life and my blog..Aku nye suker la nak buat pe.. I repeat STAY OUT OF IT...!!! mcm kenal kn tu phrase??? Pompan ko nye line beb!

Like being in a SAUNA

Juz got back from Bazaar in goodness it was damn hot.. Got what I wanted first coz I've already surveyed earlier..the problem was wit boyfie's baju kurung.. My gosh!!! I didn't know that finding a guy's baju kurung was hard..Actually not.. coz he wanted to match the exact colour as mine coz mine was kinda 2-toned. It was fun..Before that we went to break fast with Eidrus as it was juz a coincidence that he was around the area. Ate like Babi!!! Hehehehe!! After that we proceeded for our mission to geylang.. After 2.5 hours den finally we found a perfect match for boyfie's baju kurung..Gosh!!! penat like hell sey.. my feet hurts too....But it was fun, fun, fun.. n boyfie as usual can't stop nagging lik a perfect bitch la.. he's cute!! After dat boyfie went to mit HIS frens coz I noe its a Friday..n Friday was his usual hangout day wit HIS frens..For me im totally cool about it la..even though I dun know dem. TOTAL STRANGER..But dats his life. I respected that.. I'm done wit hanging out, parties, clubs n drinking oready.. now is all about $$$$$$$..Call me money minded i dun give a shit coz in the end im the one who benefit from it..But watever it is im happy wit my life and my boyfie. Dats all dat matters..

Monday, August 24, 2009

Laughing all the way

It was fun today..went to Geylang with boyfie and i could not stop laughing at boyfie's craps..Hahahaha!! Forever cracking jokes. Nuthing much though coz i tink its juz the third day of fasting. I almost lose my voice hehehe..due to the unpredictable weather. One moment its scorching hot and the next moment its pouring..Life's been great lately. Boyfie loves me alot that's for sure. Whatever happens before made us even stronger as individuals. Can't be bothered with certain people already. What i know now is i wanna work and earn as much money as possible. Not that $2500++ a month is insufficient but if u can get more why not??! I'm thinking about my future starting from now. Gonna head to Dubai for 3 freaking yrs soon coz my uncle owns a luxury hotel there and i'm the chosen one to run it. Hmmm...still contemplating coz i dun feel lik leaving boyfie all alone in baby bro..and not forgetting Hadz..N of coz my family. But family will be there as well, not for 3 yrs but awhile. C how la.. Still contemplating though. Love boyfie too much to leave him here all alone. Neway got a big day tomoro.. sooo.. chiao!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's Official..

As of today onwards..August, 18, exactly 0114hrs..Im officially known as Hadi's "Juz a GIRLFRIEND" a.k.a "THE UNKNOWN"..Full stop. I realise where i stand finally. I knew this was coming. It's ok. To boyfie, whatever it is I will always love you even if im "juz a girlfriend". My love for you will still remain the same as of day 1 when i 1st met you.I respected you even if you're younger den me. This is your life, i don't want to spoil it. You've known your friends way longer than i do. I juz entered into your life. God made me enter into your life. I did wat he ordered me to do that is to love you and take care of you..most importantly respect you. I only asked god for a boyfriend coz i was lonely. I didn't ask for a handsome one..or a perfect one or watsoever that will lead to perfection. I juz asked for a boyfriend. So he gave me you. And im very grateful for that. I cudn't ask for netink else. So there.. I know who I am now. Thank you soo much for accepting me as ur fren..n eventually ur gerlfriend. I appreciate it alot. and also thank you for all the love tha you gave me.. for your patience..for your kindness and understanding. I never ever forget evry single moment we had.. the laughter, the quarrels, our stupid jokes.Things will have to change eventually but i promiz you..i will always be your friend..a friend who loves you..remember the last sentence of my note?? i still kept my promiz..

Lotsa love,
Cheryl Afika

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cough, Runny Nose and Watery Eyes..

Im down wit a common Flu!! Juz hate the feeling of having a combination of sorethroat, slight fever and runny nose. Gosh!!! I feel sooo useless la.. Had to lie in bed all day. Ni belum g jumpa doctor lagi..If not confirm aku kena quarantine. But so far I do not have high fever, Its juz flu.. a normal one n i dun feel lik dying neway..Hahahaha!!!! But if it gets much more worse den i guess it's time to visit the clinic. So frens out take care of urselves okie. This Flu thingy is spreading faster then then the WORLD WIDE WEB..So take care y'all. Will be back once i recover..

Friday, July 31, 2009

It's all about the money..

I know that money is very important in your everyday life. But money does make people forget where they stand, who they really are. Money makes people arrogant, money makes people kill each other and even because of money you may lose someone you love.
As for my dearest boyfie, I know what he's going through right now. It's good that he took the initiative to do something about it because people out there are talking about him and I fucking hate it. To me he's wonderful. So what if he doesn't have enough money?? C'mon la he juz completed his NS. For those NS personnel..look at urself in the mirror..U tink the government is sooo nice to give u first priority to easily get a job after ur NS?.. fuck you!! u cn all juz fucking dream on ah! Wait long long.. Sign on?? You tink u sign on today, tomoro u get?? Huh!! It's not as easy as it seems. Neway I earn more den enough to feed my boyfren n even my family.I'm not complaining why should other people?? He don't even need to ask from his mum..Well at least he ASKED from his mum rather then he steals or rob. But he has a job now n I'm happy for him. So to all those still serving your NS..All the best!! Jgn ingat korg ade duit skg..abih kerek mcm u guys earn 3k-5k gitu..pikir masa depan tu btul2.. Oh btw, NS is not a career..N one more thing..Hidup mesti ikhlas, kalo tanak kasi, jgn kasi. Kalo dah kasi jgn bagus..Tu namanye tak ikhlas..Rezeki pun tk berkat.

PS: Boyfie, it's ok let people say what they wana say about you. I'm not complaining so why shud they? That's why I'm your girl. I love you..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Next Stop..Dafne St

Im rite now being a total BABI at Dafne St..Hmmm.. tk tau mana kan tu?? Hahaha..Jaja Binks!! Pls explain..Hahaha..Sooo Hapi wit Boyfie now..N hes' smiling all the way. Got good news! Only WE noe.. Im glad and soooo happy for my cuteface boyfie. He's lik talking to himself now la while watching this cook show and im lik typing this thing ignoring watever he's saying. Hahahaha!! Mcm paham ah si kontol tu tgk org buat chocolate cake. Dier tu buat "Chocolate Cake" kat toilet tu bole ah!! N he's goin lik" B , look!! Ooooh!!!..B u c, u c..sedap sey!!"" B..u c got Raspberry some more..Is raspberry sweet??" hahahaha!!! Pastu sempat plak tu jentik jentik aku.. aku saja tk layan.. Hehehehe!! But watever it is..I fuckin love him ah.. Irritaing yet adorable..N now he's talking abt this apek potong roti.. hahahaha!! Cute pe boyfie aku ni.. kla.. till e next blog.. BYE!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As Temperature Rises

I Absolutely Adore this boy..He's MY BOYFRIEND..

Im soo worried.. I tink my baby boy is not feeling well. I dunno la.. but I'm soo worried. I hope he's fine. Like reeli reeli fine. He kept coughing non stop.. Must be due to smoking la.. Haizz.. gotta cut down..Had lotsa fun with him. Went to the arcade..Hahaha!! it was fun at the same time hilarious. But before that, we went all around Singapore to find stamps coz baby boy has sumtink urgent to send..It was sooo difficult to find a normal shop which actually sell stamps. Not even 7-11!! So i suggest we went to the post office coz anyway there's also a Stamp machine and the mail box. When we reach, we found the Stamp machine but the weighing machine was spoiled..So baby boy being impatient as always suggest that we buy off the counter. I juz followed but i still tot of purchasing it of the stamp machine despite the spoiled weighing scale. So in we went.. n followed the queue. Juz as it was abt to be our turn..the front lady has hundreds of mails.. n as usual..Baby boy started to grumble.curse n swear.. So i remain calm.. den a nice customer svc personnel called us and helped..Baby boy with a sulky face hand over the mail to her..I did the talking coz my baby juz cnt be bothered. After we purchased wat we need den we proceed to mail it directly. the funny part was.. when i told baby boy how his face was.. he immediately burst into laughter n say.. "I geram B!! Lembab sey.." Den i calmly told him.. "Ur the one who insisted on queing n buying it off the counter.." After dat he said the most cutest thing on Earth.."But B.. y izzit so hard to get Stamps eh??" Den again i told him calmly.. "Baby syg..skg mana la org hantar SNAIL MAIL..ppl all now use E-Mail"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Missing Puzzle

Haizz... I miz my boyfie...Tu la biler together asik gaduh je.. Biler tkde rindu plak.. Can't wait for him to return to Spore. And i hope he got me sumtink..hehehehe. I hope he miz me too. Tried to call him this morn but can't get through..Low batt?? maybe la..coz i'm able to get him yesterday. He told me that he's coming home this evening.. hopefully la.. Miz him alot!! Come back soon baby..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Silent Treatment

Sometimes the best way to solve a certain problems is to juz shut urself up. No point talking or letting it out when the other party juz don't get the whole point. Well, all I wanted was for someone to juz shut the fuck up n LISTEN. Not nag or telling me stuff.. You know sometimes when you have a problem, you don't actually need an immediate solution. You juz wana let it out and not having people to tell you what's the next best thing. Or he or she have gone through even worse situation then you do. I juz need you to LISTEN! That's the whole purpose of creating ablog coz human beings nowadays don't LISTEN.So blogging is the next best solution. Diz is wat i did..refuse to talk, refuse to call anyone. So.. i blog.. Gtg..till the next blog!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seeing Red

Arrrrrggghhh!! The Cramps strikes back..Kanina!! Pain lik hell man.. Every month I had to be prepared to be a junkie. Me n my supplements plus my painkillers coz of my "healthiness". I'm kinda special in my own certain way..err.. only boyfie knows abt this n some close frens. Let me share this wit u..Esp all the women..

I was actually diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Been almost 8 yrs now since i was diagnosed. Only god knows how my heart broke when my gynaecologist told me dat I had a slim chance of getting pregnant. I cried lik as if there's no tomorrow outside the consultation room. And from then onwards my life chg..I had to take medication n supplements evryday. I had to watch my diet and I cannot stand for more den 3 to 4 hrs!!Followed my medical check ups. Can u imagine??!! But boyfie has always been there.. guiding me..even plan my medication timings..and never fail to ring me and always reminding me "Baby syg..dah makan ubat??" Evry 2-3 hrs he will call me to check. Boyfie has always been e support. I almost gave up the medicine. Coz i don't c the point of taking them coz i noe nuthing will happen but boyfie once said to me.. " B..sabar k me one day miracle will happen" and wen i told him that i could nt bear him a child one day.. with calmness n gentleness he told me politely " Sayang.. there're always children out there whom we cn adopt, who need love" And he even joked and said " you can even be the next Angelina Jolie..hotter, sexier and better!!" Hahahahaha!! I absolutely love my boyfriend. I'm truly blessed.
Thank you god..I'm not at all dissapointed at wat happened to me.. I'll take it as a challenge.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quater Pounder

Aaaaaarrrggghhh!!! I took my weight juz now n i gain 1 kg!!! shit aku GEMOK.. haizzz..! worried.. sooo worried...gotta watch my diet again..or my beloved bf will leave me for another gerl...NO!!!! Im not eating la..Ni tak bole jadi..I hav to maintain my weight. I cannot even gain single KG.. NO WAY!! STRESS STRESS!!!! TANAK MAKAN AH!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mind Your Language

I noe my boyfie is kinda upset wit me..hmm u noe y?? Juz becoz I speak Mandarin to my colleague.. Coz he dun understand..The exact sentence " B.. why do you have to speak Mandarin to your colleague?? Cannot speak English eh? Very IRRITATING you noe! I dun understand.." And his face totally change. I noe he's pissed or the term UNEASY as wat he mentioned wen I sms-ed him. Hmmm.. i dunno eh?? den before dat we went to have dinner at Beach Road.. I insist on paying but he was soo god damn stubborn dat he actually paid for it.. I was angry!! I kinda create diz "prangai" thing in me n refuse to eat wat he paid for.. n we so called make "pissed" faces at each other.. Come to tink of it mcm klakar plak.. pasal benda kecik pun gaduh!! Hahaha!! but honestly speaking I was damn frustrated la to a verge of saying things lik " I dun care la.. u nak marah dats your fucking problem..I dun giv a shit" but i actually manage to pull through.. Ni semua angin.. Boyfie pun cool down n we start our usual nonsense la..Crapping!!
In the train while sending me back home, i was unlucky enuff to end up sitting beside an Indian lady which has BO!! my goodness..!! I had to actually spray perfume on my palm n sniff it.. haha!! Den boyfie sat opposite.. n started to so called "flirt" wit me.. winking la..flying kisses la.. watever nonsense la till the China lady next to him laugh..Well, through my sleepiness.. i did have a good dinner with boyfie.. Orite people, gtg.. tomoro nak kena werk, werk, werk n boyfie's starting to nag lik a biatch!! haha sori b.. "B.. biler u nak tido?? nanti kan penat.. dun sleep so late ok??!!" bla bla.. nag nag.. hahahaha!! well, watever it is.. I fucking love u ah boy..!! I go sleep now ok!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Misery Business

Previous post "Misery Business" DELETED by HADI.. Stop bitching about my a kind gesture frm my beloved girl she told me to delete the blog. Btw, if its not you den its not you.. no point nak bingit2..tanks!

PS: Baby girl.. I LOVE U TOO. Btw, I bought you chopsticks..Muahahaha!! Coz u always complain abt using fork and spoon. I cant bliv u cn actually eat rice wit chopsticks?!.. kalo dah Cina tu Cina jugak B..


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Poor Boyfie been complaining bt cash..Cian.. But it's okla.. i mean in life there's up and down what..Relek ah babe..chill..Hehe!! Neway i totally understand his situation. N im not the HIGH MAINTAINENCE KINDA BITCH.. As for me.. there's only 3 places..WORK,SKOOL,HOME..hmm maybe 4 la.. plus Boyfie's place..Very tiring!! Communic Asia has juz begin!! I'm soo screwed! Coz Dady's company is in charge of the cablings.. Biaserla kata ANAK TAUKE. My phone has been ringing for the past few days due to diz la. Daddy has been in and out of Singapore coz of the stock delivery..So i hv to be the next BABY TAUKE..Ceh ceh.. mcm paham je aku ni.. Sooo tiring..!! Kinda miss Jaja Binks..dah lama tak gossip u noe..hehe..I mean by the time i came back from skool.. my system oready shut down..Sori Jaja.. next time we chill ok!! So yup.. bz bz bz..well, got to go now!! Heading to SUNTEC to make sure evrytink run smoothly..n im kinda late..hehe! blum siap n boyfie is oready out of his plc.. Im soo doomed!! Bye now!!

PS: Oh ya.. Boyfie..I LOVE YOU..hehe sempat sey aku ni!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Be With You..

Through watever circumstances I promise on evry drop of my blood till my very last breath.. I'm gonna love my Baby boy.. Through laughter and through tears, through every obstacles. I'm grateful to god that i'm going through this shit not alone but with boyfie always giving me full support and never giv up on me despite all the rumours that has been going on behind our backs. Whatever it is.. We are juz happy being together that it does not affect us at all.. Here's to Boyfie:

I know they wanna come and separate us but they can't do us nothin
Your the one I want and I’m a continue lovin
Cause your considered Boyfie and I’m considered Baby
And I’m always be there for you
And either way you look at it
I ain’t goin no where for my muffin
Cause he gonna hold it down, cant no body tell him nothin
You got the kind of love that always make a better fussin
And that’s what gets me closer to you

And no one knows
Why I’m into you
Cause you'll never know what its like to walk in our shoes
And no one know, the things we've been through
Can never measure up to half of what I put you through
That’s why we'll break through

And I don’t care what they say
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you
I wanna be with you
And I don’t care what they do
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you

Seems like every day that go by things are gettin harder
Want to be the one that give you the whole enchilada
Cause I know what my baby like, I lean you on that Prada
You ain’t got to match with the shoes
All about knowing you I’m into doing things to keep him longer
Stickin together forever, watch it grow stronger
That’s the way it has to be, everything proper
Keepin it always true

And no one knows
Why I’m into you
Cause you'll never know what its like to walk in our shoes
And no one know, the things we've been through
Can never measure up to half of what I put you through
That’s why we'll break through

And I don’t care what they say
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you
I wanna be with you
And I don’t care what they do
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you

You are everything in my life see the joy you bring
And ain’t no one I compare you to
And I know that you will never walk away from me no matter what
And that’s why I plan to do the same thing for you
And I want you to know
And I don’t care what they say
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you
I wanna be with you
And I don’t care what they do
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you
I’m gonna be with you

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weather Forecast..RAIN..

There are times when things doesn't go your way and everything goes malfuctioned. I had to juz let my emotions out. I cried like there's no tomorow. It was too much for me to handle. First the sound of my Granny's naggings every second possible. My Dad's, cheques, receipt, stocks. GOSH! Last night, I had a major argument with Dad. It's just a minor problem and I don't fucking understand why the hell did he have to be hard on me. Then there was Boyfie who tried to understand the situation but end up annoyed and saying things like "Stop crying ah B..fuck it la with what people say!" I was totally upset. Then I guess he got the signal and told me to cool down. Within minutes, Boyfie called back and he actually apologised! Kinda sweet though and he told me that he felt bad saying such things to me when all I need was for him to just listen. Well, after all the commotion and drama me and boyfie had a little chat and he really made me feel better after then we said our good nite wishes coz I had a big day later. So Gotta go..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The boredom strikes AGAIN..

Boring!!! My goodness! Juz done my Dad's paperwork.. Tons and tons of 'em. I can DIE! One after another. Been counting cash and preparing cheques since morning. Thousands and thousands of $$$!! If only they were mine..hmmm.. At the same time chat wit my Jaja Binks, The HOTSTUFF "Reporter"..Evryday got story u noe!! Hehe.. she's the one who always brighten up my day.. U might be thinking mana Boyfie?? U guess?? Scroll down..

This is what he does best!!! ZzZzZzZZZzz.. Gosh.. Not Sleeping but Hibernating.. This was taken last Sunday when we were at IKEA. Hadi kalau dah nampak Sofa..hmm pe lagi? LANDING ah.. hehehe! Chat on the phone awhile with him and he told me nak wash up and makan..Ya, ya.. i noe la baby wat u gonna do..TIDO!! But thank god Jaja Binks was online.. Ade Webcam lagi..Eksyen sey!! hahaha!! Wat a day!

PS: My Wisdom tooth is killing me!! Gotta get it extracted..It does not make me any "wiser" though except for major suffering!!! Arrrrggghhh!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

LiFe's LikE Dat..

Omigod!! this is my very first blog.. i guess i've been influenced by my fav Bitch "Hadz A.K.A Jaja Binks.." (Featured) This is what happens wen u've been struck by boredom..Hahahaha!! Well, we r partners in crime.. Ade je la CERITA SENSASI! It's like the moment we log on to MSN she'll be like.."Gerl.. Ade citer??" Kepo sey!! She'll make a great MAKCIK KEPO one fine day.. or even the President of MAKCIK Quaters Association..Hahaha!! I'm gonna so bitch abt u!! Hehehe!! Love u lots Bitch!!