Sunday, July 12, 2009

Silent Treatment

Sometimes the best way to solve a certain problems is to juz shut urself up. No point talking or letting it out when the other party juz don't get the whole point. Well, all I wanted was for someone to juz shut the fuck up n LISTEN. Not nag or telling me stuff.. You know sometimes when you have a problem, you don't actually need an immediate solution. You juz wana let it out and not having people to tell you what's the next best thing. Or he or she have gone through even worse situation then you do. I juz need you to LISTEN! That's the whole purpose of creating ablog coz human beings nowadays don't LISTEN.So blogging is the next best solution. Diz is wat i did..refuse to talk, refuse to call anyone. So.. i blog.. Gtg..till the next blog!!

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