Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seeing Red

Arrrrrggghhh!! The Cramps strikes back..Kanina!! Pain lik hell man.. Every month I had to be prepared to be a junkie. Me n my supplements plus my painkillers coz of my "healthiness". I'm kinda special in my own certain way..err.. only boyfie knows abt this n some close frens. Let me share this wit u..Esp all the women..

I was actually diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Been almost 8 yrs now since i was diagnosed. Only god knows how my heart broke when my gynaecologist told me dat I had a slim chance of getting pregnant. I cried lik as if there's no tomorrow outside the consultation room. And from then onwards my life chg..I had to take medication n supplements evryday. I had to watch my diet and I cannot stand for more den 3 to 4 hrs!!Followed my medical check ups. Can u imagine??!! But boyfie has always been there.. guiding me..even plan my medication timings..and never fail to ring me and always reminding me "Baby syg..dah makan ubat??" Evry 2-3 hrs he will call me to check. Boyfie has always been e support. I almost gave up the medicine. Coz i don't c the point of taking them coz i noe nuthing will happen but boyfie once said to me.. " B..sabar k me one day miracle will happen" and wen i told him that i could nt bear him a child one day.. with calmness n gentleness he told me politely " Sayang.. there're always children out there whom we cn adopt, who need love" And he even joked and said " you can even be the next Angelina Jolie..hotter, sexier and better!!" Hahahahaha!! I absolutely love my boyfriend. I'm truly blessed.
Thank you god..I'm not at all dissapointed at wat happened to me.. I'll take it as a challenge.


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