Sunday, December 6, 2009

Boys are selfish by nature..

This is specially dedicated to my lovely baby Hadzah:
I cried after reading ur recent blog. U know gerl, after reading that blog of reeli reminds me of watever happens between me and my ex boyfriend. After we broke up the same situation happened. Juz lik u his parents n cuzzins, relatives, siblings were bugging me with a lot of "why" questions and all i juz replied " why dun you ask him urself and find it out from his own mouth instead of hearing it from me which will only turn out to be something that people thing might not be true". Just like u i confided in being frens with other boys..lots of them..but wat i noe is i could never lie to myself that deep down inside i wish it doesn't happen. Juz like u i face the world at the same time shielding my sorrows with fake smile. People don't know how I actually felt. It hurts alot and i reeli now how u felt right now..its even worse then being stabbed by a knife. Its sumtink that no medicine in this world could cure and the only antidote is the person who actually hurt u. But these people are known as boys..n boys are selfish by nature. When they create a problem..we girls have to solve it..When they create a mess..we girls have to clean it up..Same goes for your break up..Y dun ppl ask him?? y ask u? true?! Y do u end up the one who have to answer evry lil question abt him and not him??Y do u have to cry and not him?? When break up happened we girls do still accept their families juz like our own, still manage to smile in front of them even after being treated lik shit and still manage to answer their unecessary smses or random msges. Y?? because we are not selfish..we remember the good times..their families who used to shelter us in when we need a space..who treated us juz like their own. We remember evry little things..from their wat they dislikes..when they were sick..their lovely siblings..But do guys see things that way?? No! to them over means over.."kau pompan sundal g jahanam la dgn kau" but they dun realise that they did not only hurt u but everyone that has been a part of their life..from his parents to urs..frm his siblings to urs..even frens n other ppl..At being 24 right now..i've learn soo much things abt life..I lied the last time too juz to make evryone happy, juz to cover evry lil mistakes that HE did till i almost lost my life! that's when i realise i cnt take this anymore and on my own 2 tiny feet i moved on all by myself. If you noticed I worked hard..reeli hard so that i dun need his fact i dun need anything frm him..I became a strong and independent woman. Even if shit were to happen (choy!) the next time round..i make sure i'll the "boy" this time.. the one who is selfish n the one who doesnt cry. Coz i have a great and successful life..Juz live ur life my dearest hadzah..have a good career..n be successful in the future. Even if you are no longer with the one u used to love with all your heart..just remember we love u more then he does and we will always be there for you till ur last breath. Insya allah..I'll always be praying for your well beings. Tk care baby girl..

Lots of love,

PS:To my 2 lovely sisters, rafidah and nadiah..dun ask Kakak Hadzah anymore k..go ask Abg Faizal and listen to his side of the story..If he's a good brother he will explain it to you nicely..if he scold the both of you..means he's juz another typical guy and in the fututre find a good boyfriend n a future husband wich actually has a genuine heart and not one that only pumps blood and oxygen je.. and also a brain wich can think logically rather then think " im a guy and i cn get any gerls i want"..Right now i want the both of you to study hard and earn lots of money n help your parents and ppl around you. Boys are juz temporary companionship..its never a lifetime.. even a married men cheat on their wives. So there...

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