Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Poor Boyfie been complaining bt cash..Cian.. But it's okla.. i mean in life there's up and down what..Relek ah babe..chill..Hehe!! Neway i totally understand his situation. N im not the HIGH MAINTAINENCE KINDA BITCH.. As for me.. there's only 3 places..WORK,SKOOL,HOME..hmm maybe 4 la.. plus Boyfie's place..Very tiring!! Communic Asia has juz begin!! I'm soo screwed! Coz Dady's company is in charge of the cablings.. Biaserla kata ANAK TAUKE. My phone has been ringing for the past few days due to diz la. Daddy has been in and out of Singapore coz of the stock delivery..So i hv to be the next BABY TAUKE..Ceh ceh.. mcm paham je aku ni.. Sooo tiring..!! Kinda miss Jaja Binks..dah lama tak gossip u noe..hehe..I mean by the time i came back from skool.. my system oready shut down..Sori Jaja.. next time we chill ok!! So yup.. bz bz bz..well, got to go now!! Heading to SUNTEC to make sure evrytink run smoothly..n im kinda late..hehe! blum siap n boyfie is oready out of his plc.. Im soo doomed!! Bye now!!

PS: Oh ya.. Boyfie..I LOVE YOU..hehe sempat sey aku ni!!

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