Friday, July 31, 2009

It's all about the money..

I know that money is very important in your everyday life. But money does make people forget where they stand, who they really are. Money makes people arrogant, money makes people kill each other and even because of money you may lose someone you love.
As for my dearest boyfie, I know what he's going through right now. It's good that he took the initiative to do something about it because people out there are talking about him and I fucking hate it. To me he's wonderful. So what if he doesn't have enough money?? C'mon la he juz completed his NS. For those NS personnel..look at urself in the mirror..U tink the government is sooo nice to give u first priority to easily get a job after ur NS?.. fuck you!! u cn all juz fucking dream on ah! Wait long long.. Sign on?? You tink u sign on today, tomoro u get?? Huh!! It's not as easy as it seems. Neway I earn more den enough to feed my boyfren n even my family.I'm not complaining why should other people?? He don't even need to ask from his mum..Well at least he ASKED from his mum rather then he steals or rob. But he has a job now n I'm happy for him. So to all those still serving your NS..All the best!! Jgn ingat korg ade duit skg..abih kerek mcm u guys earn 3k-5k gitu..pikir masa depan tu btul2.. Oh btw, NS is not a career..N one more thing..Hidup mesti ikhlas, kalo tanak kasi, jgn kasi. Kalo dah kasi jgn bagus..Tu namanye tak ikhlas..Rezeki pun tk berkat.

PS: Boyfie, it's ok let people say what they wana say about you. I'm not complaining so why shud they? That's why I'm your girl. I love you..

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