Monday, September 14, 2009

New baju, Kuih, and Gosh! Cash....

Went to buka with Boyfie juz now.. So cute boyfie teach me how to baca doa makan. Hahaha! How pathetic can I be?(Maklumla Chinese Muslim mah..) But I noe wat is Bismillah okie! So sweet of boyfie..Den we head to geylang to look for some stuff n boyfie as usual wit his monthly cravings..(hehe..Aku yg PMS dier yg craving plak??) nak mkn Ayam Percik. After dat boyfie bought me perfume hehe as anniversary present. Tk sangka plak.. coz si ditu mmg tak romantic langsung..Hahahaha!! but it was nice of him. Oh ya! Before that i went to M.A.C to get some makeup stuff but cheryl being fickle minded as usual kept contemplating about buying those. The funny thing was when boyfie said "B..since when u wear makeup?" and I was lik "Hello?? cnt u c colours on my face??" Then he mention to me which make me laugh even harder. To him makeup meant thick lik wayang kind..u noe the kind where minah always use? That's wat he meant by makeup..Hahahaha!!! But wat he said is true la.. I dun really put on that much juz those earth tones dats y i tink.. He's soo cute to even mention dat I dun need it coz im already sweeet...mestila..ckp mcm tu, dah dpt XBOX 360. Hahaha!! Will be picking it up this thursday! Weeeeeeee!!!....klah gtg..bye people!!

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