Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mind Your Language

I noe my boyfie is kinda upset wit me..hmm u noe y?? Juz becoz I speak Mandarin to my colleague.. Coz he dun understand..The exact sentence " B.. why do you have to speak Mandarin to your colleague?? Cannot speak English eh? Very IRRITATING you noe! I dun understand.." And his face totally change. I noe he's pissed or the term UNEASY as wat he mentioned wen I sms-ed him. Hmmm.. i dunno eh?? den before dat we went to have dinner at Beach Road.. I insist on paying but he was soo god damn stubborn dat he actually paid for it.. I was angry!! I kinda create diz "prangai" thing in me n refuse to eat wat he paid for.. n we so called make "pissed" faces at each other.. Come to tink of it mcm klakar plak.. pasal benda kecik pun gaduh!! Hahaha!! but honestly speaking I was damn frustrated la to a verge of saying things lik " I dun care la.. u nak marah dats your fucking problem..I dun giv a shit" but i actually manage to pull through.. Ni semua angin.. Boyfie pun cool down n we start our usual nonsense la..Crapping!!
In the train while sending me back home, i was unlucky enuff to end up sitting beside an Indian lady which has BO!! my goodness..!! I had to actually spray perfume on my palm n sniff it.. haha!! Den boyfie sat opposite.. n started to so called "flirt" wit me.. winking la..flying kisses la.. watever nonsense la till the China lady next to him laugh..Well, through my sleepiness.. i did have a good dinner with boyfie.. Orite people, gtg.. tomoro nak kena werk, werk, werk n boyfie's starting to nag lik a biatch!! haha sori b.. "B.. biler u nak tido?? nanti kan penat.. dun sleep so late ok??!!" bla bla.. nag nag.. hahahaha!! well, watever it is.. I fucking love u ah boy..!! I go sleep now ok!!

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