Thursday, July 23, 2009

Next Stop..Dafne St

Im rite now being a total BABI at Dafne St..Hmmm.. tk tau mana kan tu?? Hahaha..Jaja Binks!! Pls explain..Hahaha..Sooo Hapi wit Boyfie now..N hes' smiling all the way. Got good news! Only WE noe.. Im glad and soooo happy for my cuteface boyfie. He's lik talking to himself now la while watching this cook show and im lik typing this thing ignoring watever he's saying. Hahahaha!! Mcm paham ah si kontol tu tgk org buat chocolate cake. Dier tu buat "Chocolate Cake" kat toilet tu bole ah!! N he's goin lik" B , look!! Ooooh!!!..B u c, u c..sedap sey!!"" B..u c got Raspberry some more..Is raspberry sweet??" hahahaha!!! Pastu sempat plak tu jentik jentik aku.. aku saja tk layan.. Hehehehe!! But watever it is..I fuckin love him ah.. Irritaing yet adorable..N now he's talking abt this apek potong roti.. hahahaha!! Cute pe boyfie aku ni.. kla.. till e next blog.. BYE!!!

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