Monday, August 24, 2009

Laughing all the way

It was fun today..went to Geylang with boyfie and i could not stop laughing at boyfie's craps..Hahahaha!! Forever cracking jokes. Nuthing much though coz i tink its juz the third day of fasting. I almost lose my voice hehehe..due to the unpredictable weather. One moment its scorching hot and the next moment its pouring..Life's been great lately. Boyfie loves me alot that's for sure. Whatever happens before made us even stronger as individuals. Can't be bothered with certain people already. What i know now is i wanna work and earn as much money as possible. Not that $2500++ a month is insufficient but if u can get more why not??! I'm thinking about my future starting from now. Gonna head to Dubai for 3 freaking yrs soon coz my uncle owns a luxury hotel there and i'm the chosen one to run it. Hmmm...still contemplating coz i dun feel lik leaving boyfie all alone in baby bro..and not forgetting Hadz..N of coz my family. But family will be there as well, not for 3 yrs but awhile. C how la.. Still contemplating though. Love boyfie too much to leave him here all alone. Neway got a big day tomoro.. sooo.. chiao!!

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