Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As Temperature Rises

I Absolutely Adore this boy..He's MY BOYFRIEND..

Im soo worried.. I tink my baby boy is not feeling well. I dunno la.. but I'm soo worried. I hope he's fine. Like reeli reeli fine. He kept coughing non stop.. Must be due to smoking la.. Haizz.. gotta cut down..Had lotsa fun with him. Went to the arcade..Hahaha!! it was fun at the same time hilarious. But before that, we went all around Singapore to find stamps coz baby boy has sumtink urgent to send..It was sooo difficult to find a normal shop which actually sell stamps. Not even 7-11!! So i suggest we went to the post office coz anyway there's also a Stamp machine and the mail box. When we reach, we found the Stamp machine but the weighing machine was spoiled..So baby boy being impatient as always suggest that we buy off the counter. I juz followed but i still tot of purchasing it of the stamp machine despite the spoiled weighing scale. So in we went.. n followed the queue. Juz as it was abt to be our turn..the front lady has hundreds of mails.. n as usual..Baby boy started to grumble.curse n swear.. So i remain calm.. den a nice customer svc personnel called us and helped..Baby boy with a sulky face hand over the mail to her..I did the talking coz my baby juz cnt be bothered. After we purchased wat we need den we proceed to mail it directly. the funny part was.. when i told baby boy how his face was.. he immediately burst into laughter n say.. "I geram B!! Lembab sey.." Den i calmly told him.. "Ur the one who insisted on queing n buying it off the counter.." After dat he said the most cutest thing on Earth.."But B.. y izzit so hard to get Stamps eh??" Den again i told him calmly.. "Baby syg..skg mana la org hantar SNAIL MAIL..ppl all now use E-Mail"

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