Saturday, September 5, 2009

Some guys are juz not man enuff..

Life is sooo unfair.. previous Drunk photos have been deleted coz some guy out there(let's not mention names)is afraid of his own girlfriend (takut gf tau dier minum). I did this not because of him but because of my boyfriend whom I reeli love. I reeli love my boyfriend n i'm doing it for him. Not for that useless guy who takut girlfriend. And im always the one who gets the blame. Being labelled as the bad one. Takpe...I believe in Karma and retribution. One day..I hope it gave you a harder impact then wat I received.All the best to your already fucked up relationship la..If u tink im a bad person (coz u told my bf to educate me) den be it ok..Maybe u should spend some time in front of the mirror and picture urself..Aku menyesal selama ni cover kn pantat kau..NO more from today onwards.. evrytink will be spilled out...Buat baik ngan kau.. pompan kau kurangajar dgn aku..buat pe nak baik dgn kau. You dun even fucking apologise to me for what your most beloved gerls said. She told me to stay out of ur friendship with her, u, and Hadi. I am doing wat she told me.. So please.. STAY OUT of my life and my blog..Aku nye suker la nak buat pe.. I repeat STAY OUT OF IT...!!! mcm kenal kn tu phrase??? Pompan ko nye line beb!

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