Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Some people are born naturally BASTARDS

I just pity some people out there who talk sooo much but u couldnt see any outcome from it. When it comes to blaming others..they can be very professional. Advising frens about relationships like professional counsellors. Telling friends to take care and educate their girlfriends when the girls misbehave. And most importantly their friends are all carefully "hand-picked". Not everyone can be their friend. Those who are friends are those that actually bow to them like Kings and Queens and just let them do watever they want even though it hurts. But those who are not their friends are also classified as either "The Unknown", "Ur juz his girlfriend", " You are new" or "you just entered into his life and you don't know us yet" They are the kind of people who couldn't except facts, views, advise or even be provoked. Oh ya! and they don't entertain feedbacks. But its actually alright and perfectly fine for them to treat you lik dirt..shit..and disrespect you but YOU have to apologise after that to them and be left lost and confused asking yourself "hw come im the one who hv to apologise instead of them" But this is normal..For those who are their friends its so called their SOP also known as Standard Operational Procedures. If you break the rules..you will be screwed. Anyway, all I can say is, I'm glad that I fall under the category of "ur juz his girlfriend". No rules and regulations to follow, no SOP watsoever. You are free to voice out your views and being attend to tentatively with patience and sincerity. People like us are always labelled as the "bad ones" Its always like that in reality. The ones with tattoos ended up nicer n have respect for others unlike those without. The ones who are religious ended up being a terrorist. Well just be prepared to face the reality world. It's damn cruel. Right now you are just in your safety zone that's why you felt as though you have the authority to do anything.. All the best okie?! I've survived as well as my boyfriend. Good luck to your life. Don't say I didn't warn you. You may say whatever you want..Because in the end I am surviving very very well and infact I cn stand on my own two feet without any speacial or u might call it "exclusively hand -picked" friends or assistance from anyone. I am proud of myself that I'm not like them.. maybe I should classify these people as "FRAUD" and "FAKE". Hmm..What a life..

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