Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The boredom strikes AGAIN..

Boring!!! My goodness! Juz done my Dad's paperwork.. Tons and tons of 'em. I can DIE! One after another. Been counting cash and preparing cheques since morning. Thousands and thousands of $$$!! If only they were mine..hmmm.. At the same time chat wit my Jaja Binks, The HOTSTUFF "Reporter"..Evryday got story u noe!! Hehe.. she's the one who always brighten up my day.. U might be thinking mana Boyfie?? U guess?? Scroll down..

This is what he does best!!! ZzZzZzZZZzz.. Gosh.. Not Sleeping but Hibernating.. This was taken last Sunday when we were at IKEA. Hadi kalau dah nampak Sofa..hmm pe lagi? LANDING ah.. hehehe! Chat on the phone awhile with him and he told me nak wash up and makan..Ya, ya.. i noe la baby wat u gonna do..TIDO!! But thank god Jaja Binks was online.. Ade Webcam lagi..Eksyen sey!! hahaha!! Wat a day!

PS: My Wisdom tooth is killing me!! Gotta get it extracted..It does not make me any "wiser" though except for major suffering!!! Arrrrggghhh!!!

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