Thursday, November 12, 2009

Answers to some unanswered questions..

To my Baby Girl..
Life is never fair..The reason y it is like dat is so that the world could go round and complete its daily life cycles. Boys will be boys no matter wat..Juz play the same game. If he cheats on u, tell urself "he's not the one for me" n move on. Coz i truly bliv, no point crying over a man. He won't even bother. My past relationship was a tough one..It almost cost my own life. All for the love of a BOY. Sometimes u tot its ok in the name of love..I was only 17 dat time..Love to me was evrytink. Even wen my ex beats me up to death, i was juz dumb enuff to run back to him tinking dat "he's angry". But after the last beating n i end up in ICU..I realized dat i deserve much more. After i recovered, i pull myself back up..stand on my 2 little feet and walk alone..It wasnt easy though but i keep telling myself.. THIS IS MY LIFE..i am not gona give up..So baby girl.. now at the age of 24..I am independent..with great career and earning big bucks evry mth..Im not trying to be arrogant.. but juz proud coz the gal who almost died and was treated lik trash is now sucessful and trust me..all and i mean ALL of my ex bf couldnt not believe im still around n putting on a big smile on my face. Some even cried lik a baby wen they saw me.. So.. who's the loser now? me or him??! Hahahaha!!!!

Lotsa love,
Cheryl Afika

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