Friday, July 31, 2009

It's all about the money..

I know that money is very important in your everyday life. But money does make people forget where they stand, who they really are. Money makes people arrogant, money makes people kill each other and even because of money you may lose someone you love.
As for my dearest boyfie, I know what he's going through right now. It's good that he took the initiative to do something about it because people out there are talking about him and I fucking hate it. To me he's wonderful. So what if he doesn't have enough money?? C'mon la he juz completed his NS. For those NS personnel..look at urself in the mirror..U tink the government is sooo nice to give u first priority to easily get a job after ur NS?.. fuck you!! u cn all juz fucking dream on ah! Wait long long.. Sign on?? You tink u sign on today, tomoro u get?? Huh!! It's not as easy as it seems. Neway I earn more den enough to feed my boyfren n even my family.I'm not complaining why should other people?? He don't even need to ask from his mum..Well at least he ASKED from his mum rather then he steals or rob. But he has a job now n I'm happy for him. So to all those still serving your NS..All the best!! Jgn ingat korg ade duit skg..abih kerek mcm u guys earn 3k-5k gitu..pikir masa depan tu btul2.. Oh btw, NS is not a career..N one more thing..Hidup mesti ikhlas, kalo tanak kasi, jgn kasi. Kalo dah kasi jgn bagus..Tu namanye tak ikhlas..Rezeki pun tk berkat.

PS: Boyfie, it's ok let people say what they wana say about you. I'm not complaining so why shud they? That's why I'm your girl. I love you..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Next Stop..Dafne St

Im rite now being a total BABI at Dafne St..Hmmm.. tk tau mana kan tu?? Hahaha..Jaja Binks!! Pls explain..Hahaha..Sooo Hapi wit Boyfie now..N hes' smiling all the way. Got good news! Only WE noe.. Im glad and soooo happy for my cuteface boyfie. He's lik talking to himself now la while watching this cook show and im lik typing this thing ignoring watever he's saying. Hahahaha!! Mcm paham ah si kontol tu tgk org buat chocolate cake. Dier tu buat "Chocolate Cake" kat toilet tu bole ah!! N he's goin lik" B , look!! Ooooh!!!..B u c, u c..sedap sey!!"" B..u c got Raspberry some more..Is raspberry sweet??" hahahaha!!! Pastu sempat plak tu jentik jentik aku.. aku saja tk layan.. Hehehehe!! But watever it is..I fuckin love him ah.. Irritaing yet adorable..N now he's talking abt this apek potong roti.. hahahaha!! Cute pe boyfie aku ni.. kla.. till e next blog.. BYE!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As Temperature Rises

I Absolutely Adore this boy..He's MY BOYFRIEND..

Im soo worried.. I tink my baby boy is not feeling well. I dunno la.. but I'm soo worried. I hope he's fine. Like reeli reeli fine. He kept coughing non stop.. Must be due to smoking la.. Haizz.. gotta cut down..Had lotsa fun with him. Went to the arcade..Hahaha!! it was fun at the same time hilarious. But before that, we went all around Singapore to find stamps coz baby boy has sumtink urgent to send..It was sooo difficult to find a normal shop which actually sell stamps. Not even 7-11!! So i suggest we went to the post office coz anyway there's also a Stamp machine and the mail box. When we reach, we found the Stamp machine but the weighing machine was spoiled..So baby boy being impatient as always suggest that we buy off the counter. I juz followed but i still tot of purchasing it of the stamp machine despite the spoiled weighing scale. So in we went.. n followed the queue. Juz as it was abt to be our turn..the front lady has hundreds of mails.. n as usual..Baby boy started to grumble.curse n swear.. So i remain calm.. den a nice customer svc personnel called us and helped..Baby boy with a sulky face hand over the mail to her..I did the talking coz my baby juz cnt be bothered. After we purchased wat we need den we proceed to mail it directly. the funny part was.. when i told baby boy how his face was.. he immediately burst into laughter n say.. "I geram B!! Lembab sey.." Den i calmly told him.. "Ur the one who insisted on queing n buying it off the counter.." After dat he said the most cutest thing on Earth.."But B.. y izzit so hard to get Stamps eh??" Den again i told him calmly.. "Baby syg..skg mana la org hantar SNAIL MAIL..ppl all now use E-Mail"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Missing Puzzle

Haizz... I miz my boyfie...Tu la biler together asik gaduh je.. Biler tkde rindu plak.. Can't wait for him to return to Spore. And i hope he got me sumtink..hehehehe. I hope he miz me too. Tried to call him this morn but can't get through..Low batt?? maybe la..coz i'm able to get him yesterday. He told me that he's coming home this evening.. hopefully la.. Miz him alot!! Come back soon baby..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Silent Treatment

Sometimes the best way to solve a certain problems is to juz shut urself up. No point talking or letting it out when the other party juz don't get the whole point. Well, all I wanted was for someone to juz shut the fuck up n LISTEN. Not nag or telling me stuff.. You know sometimes when you have a problem, you don't actually need an immediate solution. You juz wana let it out and not having people to tell you what's the next best thing. Or he or she have gone through even worse situation then you do. I juz need you to LISTEN! That's the whole purpose of creating ablog coz human beings nowadays don't LISTEN.So blogging is the next best solution. Diz is wat i did..refuse to talk, refuse to call anyone. So.. i blog.. Gtg..till the next blog!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seeing Red

Arrrrrggghhh!! The Cramps strikes back..Kanina!! Pain lik hell man.. Every month I had to be prepared to be a junkie. Me n my supplements plus my painkillers coz of my "healthiness". I'm kinda special in my own certain way..err.. only boyfie knows abt this n some close frens. Let me share this wit u..Esp all the women..

I was actually diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Been almost 8 yrs now since i was diagnosed. Only god knows how my heart broke when my gynaecologist told me dat I had a slim chance of getting pregnant. I cried lik as if there's no tomorrow outside the consultation room. And from then onwards my life chg..I had to take medication n supplements evryday. I had to watch my diet and I cannot stand for more den 3 to 4 hrs!!Followed my medical check ups. Can u imagine??!! But boyfie has always been there.. guiding me..even plan my medication timings..and never fail to ring me and always reminding me "Baby syg..dah makan ubat??" Evry 2-3 hrs he will call me to check. Boyfie has always been e support. I almost gave up the medicine. Coz i don't c the point of taking them coz i noe nuthing will happen but boyfie once said to me.. " B..sabar k me one day miracle will happen" and wen i told him that i could nt bear him a child one day.. with calmness n gentleness he told me politely " Sayang.. there're always children out there whom we cn adopt, who need love" And he even joked and said " you can even be the next Angelina Jolie..hotter, sexier and better!!" Hahahahaha!! I absolutely love my boyfriend. I'm truly blessed.
Thank you god..I'm not at all dissapointed at wat happened to me.. I'll take it as a challenge.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quater Pounder

Aaaaaarrrggghhh!!! I took my weight juz now n i gain 1 kg!!! shit aku GEMOK.. haizzz..! worried.. sooo worried...gotta watch my diet again..or my beloved bf will leave me for another gerl...NO!!!! Im not eating la..Ni tak bole jadi..I hav to maintain my weight. I cannot even gain single KG.. NO WAY!! STRESS STRESS!!!! TANAK MAKAN AH!!!!