Monday, August 24, 2009

Laughing all the way

It was fun today..went to Geylang with boyfie and i could not stop laughing at boyfie's craps..Hahahaha!! Forever cracking jokes. Nuthing much though coz i tink its juz the third day of fasting. I almost lose my voice hehehe..due to the unpredictable weather. One moment its scorching hot and the next moment its pouring..Life's been great lately. Boyfie loves me alot that's for sure. Whatever happens before made us even stronger as individuals. Can't be bothered with certain people already. What i know now is i wanna work and earn as much money as possible. Not that $2500++ a month is insufficient but if u can get more why not??! I'm thinking about my future starting from now. Gonna head to Dubai for 3 freaking yrs soon coz my uncle owns a luxury hotel there and i'm the chosen one to run it. Hmmm...still contemplating coz i dun feel lik leaving boyfie all alone in baby bro..and not forgetting Hadz..N of coz my family. But family will be there as well, not for 3 yrs but awhile. C how la.. Still contemplating though. Love boyfie too much to leave him here all alone. Neway got a big day tomoro.. sooo.. chiao!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's Official..

As of today onwards..August, 18, exactly 0114hrs..Im officially known as Hadi's "Juz a GIRLFRIEND" a.k.a "THE UNKNOWN"..Full stop. I realise where i stand finally. I knew this was coming. It's ok. To boyfie, whatever it is I will always love you even if im "juz a girlfriend". My love for you will still remain the same as of day 1 when i 1st met you.I respected you even if you're younger den me. This is your life, i don't want to spoil it. You've known your friends way longer than i do. I juz entered into your life. God made me enter into your life. I did wat he ordered me to do that is to love you and take care of you..most importantly respect you. I only asked god for a boyfriend coz i was lonely. I didn't ask for a handsome one..or a perfect one or watsoever that will lead to perfection. I juz asked for a boyfriend. So he gave me you. And im very grateful for that. I cudn't ask for netink else. So there.. I know who I am now. Thank you soo much for accepting me as ur fren..n eventually ur gerlfriend. I appreciate it alot. and also thank you for all the love tha you gave me.. for your patience..for your kindness and understanding. I never ever forget evry single moment we had.. the laughter, the quarrels, our stupid jokes.Things will have to change eventually but i promiz you..i will always be your friend..a friend who loves you..remember the last sentence of my note?? i still kept my promiz..

Lotsa love,
Cheryl Afika

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cough, Runny Nose and Watery Eyes..

Im down wit a common Flu!! Juz hate the feeling of having a combination of sorethroat, slight fever and runny nose. Gosh!!! I feel sooo useless la.. Had to lie in bed all day. Ni belum g jumpa doctor lagi..If not confirm aku kena quarantine. But so far I do not have high fever, Its juz flu.. a normal one n i dun feel lik dying neway..Hahahaha!!!! But if it gets much more worse den i guess it's time to visit the clinic. So frens out take care of urselves okie. This Flu thingy is spreading faster then then the WORLD WIDE WEB..So take care y'all. Will be back once i recover..